Reducing Planned Outage Duration and Cost with RFID
Over the last three decades nuclear facilities have made great strides in the reduction of planned outages by taking steps to minimize outage duration, avoid outage extensions, ensure safe and reliable plant operation, and minimize personnel radiation exposures.
Even with these improvements, several nuclear power plants have closed or have been scheduled for retirement in recent years due to economic pressures. Given that each plant develops its own short, medium, and long term outage planning, what can be done to continue to make nuclear plants even more efficient and reduce this trend?
The merging of passive UHF RFID into existing processes is one such technology giving nuclear facilities a sharper edge.
In this whitepaper we take a look at:
- The challenges of reducing outage duration and cost.
- How passive UHF RFID solutions can help nuclear facilities improve their performance, reduce costs, and improve safety.
- What productivity enhancements you can expect from a passive RFID solution.
Read this whitepaper to learn more about passive UHF RFID solutions and how your facility can achieve even better results.