The competitive retailer needs Zebra SmartLens for real-time views
Retail has become more challenging than ever. Managing inventory requires attention to detail like never before, with the increased threat of theft and fraud, both in-store and online. The competitive retailer needs Zebra SmartLens for real-time views of your operation’s every function.
The cost of retail blindness
Do you know what you’re missing in your information chain? Do you have instant access to activities that deliver operational insights and actionable intelligence while also providing an effective retail loss prevention solution?
According to the National Retail Federation’s 2020 Security Survey, American retailers have a $61 billion blind spot!
- Shrinkage is at an all-time high, accounting for 1.62% of a retailer’s bottom line, costing $61.7 billion across the industry. A year earlier, the average shrink rate was 1.38%.
- 70% of retailers reported that their shrink rate was 1% or higher; nearly 28% reported 2% or higher.
- Top concerns include ecommerce crime, organized retail crime, cyber-related incidents, internal theft, and return fraud.
- The greatest increase in fraud (49.3%) is happening inside the store, with 26.1% in online sales and 18.8% occurring through multi-channel sales (e.g., buying online and picking up in-store).
In spite of these losses, retailers are not investing in better loss prevention solutions. More than 60% of the respondents to the NRF survey said they are either decreasing their loss prevention budget or keeping it the same.
What is shrinkage costing your retail operation? Are you going to accept the loss or fight it?
Sharper focus on Zebra SmartLens for Retail
The NRF also reported that large and mid-sized retailers averaged $719,548 in losses from theft per $1 billion in sales. Organized retail crime is definitely a factor. As a result, retailers are seeing the need to invest in a technology solution for retail loss prevention.
Zebra SmartLens for Retail delivers protection across the retail operation—from the receiving dock to the sales floor, checkout, and returns area. This Zebra retail loss prevention solution includes all the hardware and software you need to have 24/7 instant visibility:
- Transition Point SmartLens Sensor: Installed at entry and exit points (on a wall or suspended from the ceiling), the Transition Point SmartLens Sensor collects data on every item moving through it.
- Backroom SmartLens Sensor: Start tracking inventory from the moment it arrives at your backroom and moves through the area. The RFID reader’s high read rate and rugged design provide fast, reliable real-time data collection.
- Sensing Network Appliance (SNAP) SmartLens Sensor: Overhead sensors capture the movement of inventory on your sales floor with an integrated high-performance RFID reader.
- Point-of-Sale (POS) SmartLens Sensor: This sensor captures inventory as it moves through your POS system without interference.
- Handheld RFID Readers: Put more power in the hands of your retail workforce with handheld RFID readers that expand your data collection’s mobility.
- SmartLens Data Analytics Engine: This two-part solution includes the SmartLens Appliance Server, which correlates the data, and the SmartLens Business Analytics and Reporting (BAR), an invaluable source for analyzing data and converting it into actionable intelligence.
- SmartLens Omnichannel Enablement: Increase fulfillment efficiency and accuracy by improving store operations, making it easier to locate inventory and enable omnichannel success.
- SmartLens Inventory Management: Use the SmartLens intelligence to provide predictive actions and insights based on the inventory metrics gathered by the SmartLens system.
- SmartLens Loss Prevention: Geofencing generates alerts on high-value items and prevents theft.
Customers expect a superior experience and tolerate nothing less. You must have what they’re looking for without delay. Their online orders must be accurately and quickly picked, packed, and presented. And you need to reduce the high cost of retail theft that is crippling your critical profitability!
Get a smarter view of your retail operation
The Zebra SmartLens for Retail represents the cure for retail blindness. Strategic Systems has implemented the retail loss prevention solution in a wide range of operations. We’d like to share the successes with you.
Contact Strategic Systems to explore the possibilities of reducing your shrinkage while also increasing sales and customer satisfaction.